Home and garden
BEWA solutions for home and garden
Concrete offers perfect
supplementing element of modern space
Our current offer comprises 10 products for home and garden
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Advantages of our products

100 % architectural concrete
without any imitations and concrete fakes
without any imitations and concrete fakes

Products resistant to the elements

Satin surface finished by mechanical light smoothing

Resistant to external forces, compression or the earth pressure

External surface easy to keep clean
Prefabricated houses
Configure your house
Building a house with prefabrication technology is very common in Europe and is gaining more and more popularity in Poland. The house components are prepared in the factory using modern technology and machinery, thus allowing us to offer high-quality components for house building in a quick and easy manner. The solutions offered allows for easy upgrading in your home without having to perform construction works in your living quarters.
Single-storey house – 38 m2 - 404 m2 – Configure your house with modules
Single-storey house – 38 m2 - 404 m2 – Configure your house with modules
Main advantages of the BEWA houses:
Technical description:
- modern design,
- durability, fire-resistant design,
- functionality,
- high resistance to weather,
- low use cost,
- freely selected exterior finish,
- free arrangement of interior space of the building,
- short construction time.
Technical description:
- foundation in shell form, inner length 640 cm, width 250 cm,
- gable roof with slope of 36 degrees
- free arrangement of doorways and window openings,
- possibility of obtaining any desired surface.
Garden sauna
Time for relaxation
Saunas and steam baths have been used by people since time immemorial and not without reason they are referred to by professionals as a hot therapy for body and soul. Saunas effectively stimulates circulation, increasing the production of immune cells and cleanses our bodies both physically and spiritually.
Home prefabricated sauna by BEWA is not only a great way of biological renewal and regeneration and recovery, but thanks to its modern design, it is a unique element for the arrangement of a home garden, seaside resort or a mountain hut.
Sauna is available in various wood type and styles.
Sauna is available in various wood type and styles.
- Control panel
- 5-year quality guarantee
- Sauna interior is finished with a 2 cm seat.
- Various wood options: Thermo Ash, Aspen, Aspen II, Thermo Aspen, Cedar
Garden bath
Take a relax in the garden
Water is a key building block of the human body and contact with water is an essential element of every day life.
We all know beneficial effects of a short cold shower or a long hot bath. Hydrotherapy was known in the ancient Far East and and this knwledge continues through to today. What if the advantages of hydrotherapy could be used in our own garden?
The answer to this question is BEWA baths. The solution offered by our company is without a doubt an excellent treatment for the soul and the body. However, we must also remember of the huge change that it makes to our garden.
A modern, minimalist form provides a breath of freshness and enriches the space around our house.
A modern, minimalist form provides a breath of freshness and enriches the space around our house.
Wine cellar
The idea of storing various products under the floor of the kitchen is not new. The innovation is the way the wine cellar is made and assembled, not only under the floor in the kitchen, but in any room on the ground floor of your house. The spiral wine cellar was designed in 1978 by French architect, Georges Harnois. Since then, it has become very popular worldwide.
The secret of its construction are correctly installed cylinder-shaped concrete prefabricates and a spiral staircase to the inner part of the cylinder. The wine cellar can be installed in areas with highs level of groundwater and is continuously ventilated.
The secret of its construction are correctly installed cylinder-shaped concrete prefabricates and a spiral staircase to the inner part of the cylinder. The wine cellar can be installed in areas with highs level of groundwater and is continuously ventilated.
The wine cellar may be constructed to various depths (from two to three metres), allowing you to store up to 1800 bottles. For those, who need a smaller cellar, there is a mini version without the spiral staircase and instead utilising a small ladder, this allows for storage of up to 770 bottles of wine.
Collecting and tasting wines is increasing taken as an interesting hobby, and a spiral wine cellar may be the perfect solution, allowing collectors interests to be realised and develop.
The wine cellar is available in various dimensions.
Collecting and tasting wines is increasing taken as an interesting hobby, and a spiral wine cellar may be the perfect solution, allowing collectors interests to be realised and develop.
The wine cellar is available in various dimensions.
Garage made of prefabricated components
Ready-made solutions
BEWA prefabricated garages are a simple and quick way to get your own garage. Individual finishes and a modern design allows you to adjust the prefabrication to your personal needs and requirements.
The garage consists of 2.5 m long segments with options to construct a roof with a front, rear or side slope. The modern technology used in the manufacturing process and the use of high-quality concrete standards, ensure a durable design with many years of use.
The concrete construction provides for excellent protection to your vehicle and other items.
Finish options: concrete, structure
The concrete construction provides for excellent protection to your vehicle and other items.
Finish options: concrete, structure
Exterior cellar
Although it is very hard to grow beautiful vines from which we could make a tasty home-made wine in our climate, we should not give up with the wine cellar. For several years, growing grapes in Poland is becoming increasingly more trendy and garden parties have almost become a tradition. The wine cellar has therefore, become an essential element in any garden.
Not being a part of the house, the wine cellar is usually located in the garden. It can be seen as an interesting element enriching the landscape or more crudely, seen only as a "cool fridge".
Not only drinks, but also vegetables and preserves, can be stored within its confines. Wine cellars can be covered with earth mounds, but there are wine cellars adjacent to the houses with the finish tuned to match the façade of the house. Did you know?
Not being a part of the house, the wine cellar is usually located in the garden. It can be seen as an interesting element enriching the landscape or more crudely, seen only as a "cool fridge".
Not only drinks, but also vegetables and preserves, can be stored within its confines. Wine cellars can be covered with earth mounds, but there are wine cellars adjacent to the houses with the finish tuned to match the façade of the house. Did you know?
The Hungarians are masters in the construction of wine cellars. Along the streets of small rural towns, multi-coloured lines of wine cellars are often seen, made from regional stones from local quarries. Often the Hungarians build terraces on the roofs of wine cellars and shade them by growing grapevines, giving the banqueters pleasant shade and a healthy snack for a dinner. This little bit of greenery often replaces the narrow floral garden, which customarily was placed in front of the house from the street side. The Hungarian wine cellar is inwardly vaulted and traditionally made of stone. Its characteristic features are very thick one meter wall. The weight of the stone and the planting of the structure into the ground makes for a constant interior temperature of 8 °C, regardless of time of year.
Option to configure the cellar with garage
25 years of experience in the prefabrication of concrete.
Option to configure the cellar with garage
25 years of experience in the prefabrication of concrete.
wszystko w jednym miejscu
Elementem wzbogacającym wygląd przestrzeni wokół domu oraz ogrodu bez wątpienia jest altana. Nowoczesna forma, niski koszt, krótki termin realizacji, wygoda montażu oraz wysoka trwałość, to tylko niektóre z zalet naszego produktu.
Oferowane przez firmę BEWA altany w zależności od preferencji mogą pełnić cały wachlarz funkcji, od najprostszej skrytki na narzędzia, przez garaż po minimalistyczną ażurową konstrukcję dającą schronienie przed słońcem i wiatrem. Możliwe różne opcje wykończenia: drewno, metal, beton, struktura
Obudowa pojemników na odpady "Home"
zadbaj o estetykę wokół domu
Obudowa pojemników na odpady typu "HOME" służy do ukrycia nieestetycznie wyglądających pojemników na śmieci. Obudowy mają zastosowanie zarówno w gospodarstwach prywatnych jak i przy lokalach przemysłowych. Główne zalety to trwałość, estetyka, prosty montaż, możliwość wkomponowania w ogrodzenie domu.
Zastosowanie dla pojemników: 2x120L, lub 2x140L. Dzięki naszym obudowom ukryjesz nieestetyczne pojemniki i sprawisz, że teren wokół domu będzie wyglądał nienagannie.
Obudowa pojemników na odpady "City"
nowoczesna forma, wysoka trwałość
Obudowy mają zastosowanie zarówno w budynkach wielorodzinnych jak i w gospodarstwach prywatnych. Ich główne zalety to: estetyczny wygląd, prosty montaż (niewymagający pozwolenia na budowę), możliwość identyfikacji użytkownika, duża funkcjonalność,
obudowa wykonana z betonu, klapy wyposażone w amortyzatory zamknięcia poprawiające bezpieczeństwo użytkowania dostęp do pojemników opcjonalnie za pomocą karty magnetycznej lub zamka. Zastosowanie: pojemniki 240L, 1100L.
Ściany oporowe
pewna podpora
Ściany oporowe pełnią ważną rolę we współczesnym budownictwie zarówno w aspekcie technicznym, jak i pod kątem wizualnym. Te prefabrykowane elementy wydają się być jednym z kluczowych punktów przy projektowaniu nowoczesnych posesji, przestrzeni miejskich oraz parkowych. Nieregularna, kaskadowa forma podłoża optycznie powiększa i bezsprzecznie urozmaica powierzchnię danej działki.
Firma BEWA dzięki wieloletniemu doświadczeniu w dziedzinie produkcji elementów betonowych, gwarantuje wysoką jakość, precyzję wykonania oraz wsparcie techniczne przy realizacji skomplikowanych projektów.